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As a research institute of the Bavarian Forestry Administration this is the outline of our main tasks:
The predicted climate change is a current challenge for forest practitioners. Shifting species composition of stands from vulnerable species to species that are less susceptible to upcoming climate conditions is a crucial adaptation to persevere the productivity of forests. Mehr
Protection forests can affordably and permanently protect from many natural hazards such as avalanches or rockfalls in the Alpine Space. In this way it can be determined whether technical structures, such as rockfall nets or dams, can be more cost-effective or even completely unnecessary at wooded sites. Mehr
The aim of this research is to monitor and study the effects of climate change on species diversity in mixed forests composed of beech and oak, mixed mountain forests with fir, spruce and beech, as well as high mountain spruce forests. Mehr
In the border region between Bavaria and the Czech Republic, in the Bohemian Forest ecosystem, estimates of red deer population size are traditionally obtained by counts at feeding stations and in winter enclosures. In addition to these counts, indicators like browsing and hunting statistics are used, but these statistics are not obtained with standardized procedures. Mehr
Already in 2005 as a small network between Austria and Germany started to develop a European Network for Forestpedagogy. Since 2007 this network was mandated as “Subgroup Forestpedagogy” of the FCN. Currently 15 states are represented in the Subgroup. Mehr