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Forests deliver wood which is a renewable raw material and fuel. Thousands of people have jobs in factories processing wood from domestic forests.
How much timber is growing in our forests? Which branch of industry consumes which amount of wood? Here you find the broad range of topics our department refers to.We support the state offices for food, agriculture and forests when they give advice to forest owners and forest owners associations regarding the organization of business processes and economical improvements of the forest value chain.
Modern forestry and sophisticated forest technology are closely linked at the present time. We investigate methods of operation. With the aid of a forest contractor database we observe the technological progress in this field.
We observe the wood removals, the forest production capacity and the development of the wood market.
Wood is climate-neutral and an important renewable raw material and fuel. The range of use of wood and wood products is miscellaneous.
Wood chips as a natural fuel can be efficiently and sustainably produced in short rotation coppice and in agroforestry systems. For this purpose fast growing tree species which are capable of stump shooting are planted on farmland.
After logging the wood has to be transported from the forest to the saw mill or plant. Timber logistics deals with the wood supply chain, the transport and information exchange.